Setup Quick Edits

Quick Edits consists of two parts a Chrome extension and a native search module.

1. The Chrome extension is used to show you the info for the hovered element and the native search module is used to search for files in your projects.

2.The native search module is a Go module that is used to search for files in your projects. You can build the module by cloning the repository and running the following commands.

1. Install the browser extension

Press on the button below and install the Quick Edits Chrome extension from the Chrome Webstore.

Download in Chrome Webstore

2. Setup Native Search Module

The native search module is a Go module that is used to search for files in your projects. You can build the module by cloning the repository and running the following commands.

npx quick-edits
Currently this guide is only available for macOS users, but I am working on adding support for other operating systems.
Check out this issue if you want to help out: #5